Kian Smith Trade Co
Gold West Africa
Managing Director; Africa Plus Partners and Chief Investment Officer
Energy and Environmental Expert at United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Executive Director; Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM)
Lead Author
UN Handbook for Developing National ASGM Formalization Strategies within National Action Plans.
Co-founder, CardinalStone Partners Limited
Secretary General
Association of Women in Extractive Industries, Niger
Director ASM, Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Nigeria
Chief Market Strategist and Head of Research, World Gold Council
Vice- Chairman,
Kian Smith Refinery
Director of Operations, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Nigeria
Managing Director,
Noemdek, Nigeria
Director General, Chamber of Mines, Burkina Faso
First Vice President, Chamber of Mines, Côte d'Ivoire
Partner, Verod Capital, Nigeria
Chief Executive Officer and Director, Thor Explorations Limited.
Senior Industry Advisor, Office of the Commissioner, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
Head, Compliance and Enforcement, SCUML. EFCC
Managing Director and Founder, Core Consultants, United Kingdom
CEO; Economic Associates (EA)
Associate Director, Mining Centre of Excellence, KPMG, Nigeria
Chief Executive, Minerals Commission, Ghana
Technical Adviser on mining strategy and governance
Mineral Sector Support for Economic Development (MinDiver) project of the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (MMSD).
Industrial Development Officer, Environment Department,
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
Policy Analyst, Responsible Business Conduct Unit, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Conflict Minerals Certification Project in the DRC for the BGR (Federal Bureau of Geosciences and Natural Resources).
Head, Investment Banking, Nigeria
Senior Program Officer
Mines to Market, PACT International NGO.
National Chairman, Jewelleries Marketers' Association, Nigeria