Meet the speakers at Gold West Africa

Ms. Rodica Ella IVAN is acting as Industrial Development Officer in the Environment Department of the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). She has a chemical engineering degree with a specialization in biotechnologies, a master degree in management at Romania Economics Academy and she completed specialized training for industrial pollution control in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in Japan (JICA programme). Ms. Ivan has combined working experience, as a chemist in Research Institute during the early time of her career, as technical Government employee dealing with hazardous chemicals control for 10 years, in the Ministry of Environment of Romania and international experience in project management in the UN system within the last 11 years. She acted as a member of the First Management Committee of the European Chemicals Agency based in Helsinki.
As UNIDO project manager, her project portfolio covered 46 countries, mainly in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, assisting their compliance with Multilateral Environment Agreements (such as the Montreal Protocol on the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances and Minamata Convention on Mercury) Ms. Ivan assisted the development of Nigeria’s first Mercury Country profile and she is currently assisting the National Action Plan development for the ASGM sector in Nigeria, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Mines and Steel Development of Nigeria and with financial support from GEF.