Meet the Speakers at Gold West Africa

Vice-President Stakeholders Relations West Africa and Manager, External Hiré Gold and Bonikro Gold Mine, members of the Afrique Gold group Cote d’Ivoire, Vice-president Stakeholders Relations West Africa and Manager, External Relations of Hiré Gold and Bonikro Gold Mine, members of the Afrique Gold group and First Vice-president of Chamber of Mine, Côte d’Ivoire, Jean-Claude DIPLO has more than 10 years of experience in the field of mining in Côte d'Ivoire. He holds a Master degree in arts from the University of Abidjan, an MBA in Management and Development of SMEs and strategic planning from HEC Montreal (Canada) and three certificates in Geology, Management and leadership from Deakin University and Melbourne Business School, Australia.
Jean-Claude also worked has Superintendent sales department at SICC (coffee & cocoa exporter), Côte d’Ivoire; junior change management Analyst (HECMontreal) and senior trade commissioner at Canadian High Commission (Côte d’Ivoire). He is a Canadian-Ivorian Citizen with strong network of contacts and knowledge both in canada and West Africa.