Meet the speakers at Gold West Africa

Oumarou IDANI – Minister of Mines and Quarries of Burkina Faso graduated from the Interstates School for Rural Equipment Engineers in 1981, and obtained a Post-Graduate diploma (DESS) in technical management of companies in 1991 from Financial, Economics and Banking Studies Centre of Paris. For more than 35 years Mr Oumarou IDANI has devoted his time to public service as well as involvement in the private sector. Early in his career, he served as an Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Tourism, and Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. From 1984 to 1987 he was General Manager of the prestigious National Electricity Company of Burkina Faso (SONABEL). From 1988 to 1993 he worked as a senior civil servant for ministries in charge of agriculture, breeding and water. From 1993 to 2015, he ran his own company the ERGECI DEVELOPPEMENT.
From 30 December 2015 to 20 February 2017 he was a Member of Parliament of the National Assembly. Currently, he serves as Minister of Mines and Quarries and his challenges are the formalization of Artisanal and Small scale mining to enable them to contribute more to the national economy; and the implementation of the 2015 Mining Code and other laws pertaining to gold trade and explosives.